9/22 How to Write the University of Chicago Essays 2022-2023 (Mention, College Vine)
10/22 How a young man’s efforts will help Illinois high school students learn about media literacy (Interview, WBBM)
11/22 UChicago Second-Year Helps Pass Illinois Media Literacy Education Law (Feature, Chicago Maroon)
10/22 Media literacy class teaching high school kids to separate fact from “fake” now mandatory thanks to Naperville Grad (Feature, Chicago Tribune)
1/23 A Lesson in Media Literacy (Feature, West Suburban Living)
6/23 US schools teach ‘media literacy’ to fight online disinformation (Feature, Reuters)
9/23 THE FUTURE OF SMASH? (Interview, wusstunes ,YouTube)
Fall/ 23 Viral in Argentina. Most major news reporting on a story I wrote. I also did an interview with local news in Argentina.
Example on Instagram
Winter/ 23 Critical consumers (Feature, UChicago Magazine)
12/23 Video game development project provides summer internships, funds student-produced game (Mention, UChicago News)